Geebung Kindy, a kindy near Zillmere, sits in beautiful, green, spacious grounds, in a very convenient location in Maidencombe St Geebung. Geebung is a neighbouring suburb of Zillmere and is just a short drive away. As a kindy of choice for the Northern suburbs, Geebung Kindy welcomes families from Zillmere and other surrounding suburbs such as Virginia, Aspley, Wavell Heights and Geebung.
Children are eligible for kindy in the year they turn 4 years of age, if their birthday is in the first half of the year, or the year after they turn 4 years of age if their birthday is in the second half of the year. You can place your child’s name on a waiting list at Geebung Kindy at any time after their birth. Places are then offered to children in the year before that child is eligible to start kindy. The details for how to add a name to the waiting list can be found on the Geebung Kindy website. There is a small administration fee of $5.
A family friendly kindy near Zillmere
Families looking for a kindy near Zillmere might be aware that the largest provider of Early Childhood Learning and Kindergarten centres in Queensland is C&K (The Creche and Kindergarten Association). Geebung Kindy is a C&K affiliated kindy following the C&K curriculum, and Geebung Kindy also proudly follows both the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines (QKLG). This means each child is supported to develop a sense of belonging with many opportunities to learn in a natural environment. Each child is encouraged and supported to develop and learn at their own pace.
As well as following these guidelines and curriculum, Geebung Kindy, a kindy near Zillmere, proudly exceeds the National Quality Standards overall, and, additionally, has been assessed as exceeding the standards in all seven areas of the National Quality Framework. These areas are educational programs and practice, Children’s health and safety, Physical environment, Staffing arrangements, Relationships with children, Collaborative partnerships with families and communities, Leadership and service management. This is a proud achievement and can be seen in the detail of everything Geebung Kindy does.
Key to the loyal Geebung Kindy community is the team of dedicated staff, and their collaboration with families and the wider community. All the staff have a long association with Geebung Kindy. The Director, Rebecca Sutherland, leads the team of Early Childhood Learning qualified teachers, trained assistants. Administration, Finance and Housekeeping staff. The centre is administered by a parent run volunteer committee, ensuring decisions are family focussed and providing opportunities for parents to be involved.

Geebung Kindy, a top choice kindy near Zillmere, has a thoughtfully designed playground with a range of play equipment to encourage fun learning and confidence building. There is also a sandpit where all sorts of imaginative play can be seen at play times. With health and safety being a key focus at Geebung Kindy, there is plenty of shade, as well as a sun-safe clothing policy, including the mandatory wearing of hats. Our kindy near Zillmere, even has its own range of sun-safe clothing for purchase such as t-shirts, warm tops and bucket hats.
At Geebung Kindy, we offer the choice of two five-day fortnight groups, a two day group with longer hours and a three day group make it easy for carers to fit in with commitments they already have. Children share the Kindy year with the same 22 children, teacher and educator. This consistency allows the children to feel a sense of belonging and connection with their peers and staff. We follow the QLD school term calendar.
If you live in Zillmere, Kindy options might seem limited. Why not have closer look at
Geebung Kindy near Zillmere and discover all the wonderful things this kindergarten has to offer.