Geebung Kindy is a great choice of kindy near Chermside. Catering for families in Chermside, Geebung, Virginia, Wavell Heights, Zillmere and other northern suburbs, Geebung Kindy is in Maidencombe St Geebung. As a C&K affiliated kindergarten, Geebung kindy is not only in a convenient location, it also provides a high quality learning environment.
Families looking for a kindy near Chermside can find a range of kindy programs on offer at Geebung Kindy, which is just 3 kilometres from Chermside. The programs consist of two five day fortnight groups, a two day group with longer hours and a three day group. This choice of programs makes it easy to fit kindy in around school age siblings, work and other commitments or to choose the option that best suits your family. There are two rooms, each of which caters for 22 children and has an Early Childhood Education qualified teacher and a trained assistant.
The programs at Geebung Kindy, a kindergarten near Chermside, are top quality and incorporate an impressive range of indoor and outdoor activities. Geebung Kindy exceeds the National Quality Standards in all 7 categories – these categories are:
- Educational programs and practice,
- Children’s health and safety,
- Physical environment,
- Staffing arrangements,
- Relationships with children,
- Collaborative partnerships with families and communities,
- Leadership and service management.
It also exceeds the overall standards.
Geebung Kindergaten, a great choice of kindy near Chermside, has a thoughtfully designed playground with a range of play equipment to encourage fun learning and confidence building. There is also a sandpit where all sorts of imaginative play can be seen at play times. With health and safety being a key focus, there is plenty of shade, as well as a sun-safe clothing policy, including the mandatory wearing of hats. Our kindy near Chermside even has its own range of sun-safe clothing for purchase such as t-shirts, warm tops and bucket hats.
A great C&K Kindy near Chermside

As a C&K Kindy, Geebung Kindy – a top kindy near Chermside – runs programs of the highest quality, providing learning and fun, and providing an ideal preparation for primary school. As a C&K affiliated kindergarten, they run the renowned Listening and Learning Together: C&K Curriculum Approach. As Queensland’s largest provider of early childhood education, C&Ks have drawn on their extensive experience to design and deliver this well-respected program.
Importantly, there is a very big focus on families and community, with the staff working cooperatively with parents to ensure the environment is nurturing and supportive, while providing sufficient challenges to the children. Geebung Kindy as a leading provider of child care in the Northern Suburbs is a proud member of the local community and values the relationships that it has grown in the area.
If you are not sure when your child is eligible to start kindy, you can check the dates on the Geebung Kindy website. Kindy is for children in the year before they start prep at primary school. For children born in the first half of the year – by June 30 – this will be the year they turn 4, while for children born in the second half of the year – from July 1 – this will be the year after they turn 4.
There are lots of reasons to choose Geebung Kindy as a kindy near Chermside for your family. Director Rebecca Sutherland leads a dedicated team with many years of experience and commitment to the kindy and community. The Geebung Kindy website has testimonials from happy families that you can have a read of. The kindy would love to welcome you and your family.
If you live or work in Chermside, kindy options may feel limited. Consider Geebung Kindergarten and pre-school.