If you are looking for a kindy in Virginia, you can’t go past Geebung Kindy in Maidencombe St Geebung. This kindergarten is conveniently located just 1.3km from Virginia, making it the most convenient and accessible kindy near Virginia. It is the nearest C&K affiliated kindy and offers a choice of 4 programs – 2 5 day fortnight groups, a 2 day group with longer hours and a 3 day group. Geebung kindy is not only in a convenient location, it also provides a high quality learning environment.
Geebung Kindy is a leading provider of child care in the northern suburb and is an excellent choice of kindy near Virginia. It is a popular choice for families in Virginia and other surrounding suburbs. The programs are top quality and incorporate an impressive range of indoor and outdoor activities. The kindergarten exceeds the National Quality Standard in all 7 categories – these categories are Educational programs and practice, Children’s health and safety, Physical environment, Staffing arrangements, Relationships with children, Collaborative partnerships with families and communities, Leadership and service management. It also exceeds the overall standards.
The grounds of Geebung Kindy include natural, shady and well-established playing areas which allows for lots of exploration and fun. There is a digging patch and thoughtfully designed equipment. During playtime lots of smiling faces can be seen in the playground and around the beautiful grounds.

As a C&K Kindy, Geebung Kindy – a top kindy near Virginia – runs programs of the highest quality, providing learning and fun, and providing an ideal preparation for primary school. The kindergarten is staffed by university educated early childhood teachers, with support from trained teaching assistants. The staff have a long association with the kindergarten and are passionate and dedicated to early childhood learning. To keep up to date with the latest in Early Childhood Teaching, all staff undertake a wide range of professional development activities every year.
Geebung Kindy is a kindy near Virginia with good capacity, with room for 2 units each day, each of which can cater for 22 children with their own teacher and assistant. While these units usually run independently, for special events and activities they will sometimes combine. These places do fill fast so it is recommended that you register your interest in plenty of time. There is a centralised booking system accessible from the Geebung Kindy website.
A great community feel in a kindy near Virginia
If you’re looking for a Kindy near Virginia and struggling to find one you like or that has the right community feel, consider Geebung Kindy. There is a very big focus on families and community at the Geebung Kindy, with staff working with parents to ensure the environment is nurturing and supportive, while providing sufficient challenges to the children. Geebung Kindy is a proud member of the local community and values the relationships that have formed in the area.
If you are looking for a kindy in Virginia, you’ll be very interested to know that Health and Safety is an area that is taken very seriously at Geebung Kindy. All teaching staff hold first aid certificates including anaphylaxis and asthma management certificates. The kindy has a sun-smart clothing policy and even has a range of sun-smart clothing for sale – this range includes T-shirts, polo shirts, sloppy joe jumpers, hoodie jumpers and bucket hats. This range is not only designed for sun protection, but also to enable children to be active.
If you are not sure when your child is eligible to start kindy, you can check the dates on the Geebung Kindy website. Kindy is for children in the year before they start prep at primary school. For children born in the first half of the year – by June 30 – this will be the year they turn 4, while for children born in the second half of the year – from July 1 – this will be the year after they turn 4.
To learn more, have a look around our website, fill out the form on the contact page or call us direct. Geebung Kindy is a great choice if you’re looking for Kindy near Virginia.